Posted by admin on March 10, 2014 Blog | | No comments

Ode to a Grecian Egg


Anonymocles, a youth of Greece in the yolk of myth and yore

who seeped out his life in a losing fight to be at least forgot

a toast to he and able men, nameless evermore.


An empty vase portrays what feats the world has deemed to store

of a fame un-supported, denied, misbegot:

Anonymocles, a youth of Greece in the yolk of myth and yore.


Who dreamed to daunt the wrath of Hera, applied for all her chores

although, alas, he never heard back from the proper task-giving despot.

A toast to he and able men, nameless evermore.


Steadfast did History refuse to crack, refuse to warm. It opened not its door

to his desperate lute and so he, born ruined, died with wine besot,

Anonymocles, a youth of Greece in the yolk of myth and yore.


Speak his name, speak a shrug: mere moniker to be ignored

though no shelves are strained, his fiction is feigned to fill the spot:

a toast to he and able men, nameless evermore.


Trace fingers on the Nemean Lion, feast eyes on the Erymanthian Boar

but notice–glazed illusive on the shadows of the shadows on the Hero’s pot:

Anonymocles, a youth of Greece in the yolk of myth and yore,

a toast to he and able men, nameless evermore.

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