Posted by admin on February 17, 2014 Blog | | No comments

Dream Big

Dream Big. You’ll be whatever you want,
but before you set off, let me ask:
Do you want to push a wall?

You seemed the kind, if not, excusant:
your glare is a mask.
Dream Big. You’ll be whatever you want.

A face in the films, eh? A brain at DuPont?
You’re as fixed as Damask–
Do you want to push a wall?

There’s more change in it than a wishing font,
but, of course, still consider any task
Dream Big. You’ll be whatever you want

particularly if you desire to be poor and gaunt
and fit inside a tiny cask
Do you want to push a wall?

You’ll never go no further than the stones you haunt,
but at least you’re alfresco, not trapped at a desk.
Dream Big. You’ll be whatever you want.
Do you want to push a wall?

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